Thursday, February 18, 2016

Wonderful Artroom Moments

R2 Artistes in 2016 So far!

The wonderful R2 students have been learning all about the buildings and architecture of Hong Kong. They have been on various trips with their teachers and learned about construction in the classroom.

So first of all in art we asked them to sketch what they knew about buildings in Hong Kong  using our memories.

Then we took a look at the Real Thing and looked at the Hong Kong Skyline in class
 We identified certain buildings that we could recognise and observed how very close to each other the buildings are in Hong Kong.
The buildings are so crowded in Hong Kong, they are in front of each, behind and very very close ! 
We identified the fact they all overlap.

Ask your child to explain what overlapping means.

Then we created our overlapping blocks of colour to get ready for our big exciting mural project.
Ask your child to explain how Mr Smooth helped them with their paintings.

Next we took a look at the huge variety of windows that feature in our local Hong Kong architecture and brought those into their overlapping buildings.
Watch this space, we are having a very special Hong Kong artist visit your R2 children  in the next 3 weeks......

Grade One Artistes

Your Grade One angels are currently studying Life cycles in the classroom and loving all the experiential learning with their plants and mealworms as you might have heard ! In art we have taken a Big Picture approach to this project and having established exactly what a " cycle" is we are looking at the giant cycles that govern our daily lives.

Ask your children what a cycle is............
Check out this website with your children:
As you can see we are creating a on a circular surface and have used our "cycling" arms to set the scene for the solar system. 

Ask your children how long it takes for our planet, Earth to rotate around the sun
Ask them what happens as it spins.

Can you guess what is going to happen next .........
check us out next month on The Magic Dot

Grade Two Art Angels

Have begun to do an investigation into the properties of HB and 2B pencils.
We asked some questions:
What variables can we change to create a variety of greys ?

We can change how many layers we use.
We can change the direction of our strokes.
We can alter our pressure.
We can change how much space we leave between each stroke

Our HB pencils can be used for writing as well as drawing.
Our 2B pencils can be used for shading 
We went to study the Middle School sketches to see how the Middle School Art Kids made shading work for them.
Then we came back to the artroom to use our new techniques.

Observational Drawing 

Our challenge was to study a shoe:

As a whole class we broke the task down into four steps.
1) Outline
2) Structure
3) Details
4) Shading 

Outline and structure
Can you believe these detailed and careful drawings were done by your amazing Grade Two children!!!

Do watch out for next months exciting instalment of the Magic Dot, where we bring you the very latest of creative artroom moments ! 

Yours Artfully
Miss Flowers and Miss Kirk